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The Village are surrounded by a Large expanse of land used for agricultural activities.


These lands are also used for growing economic trees like Mangoes, Oranges,Palm trees, Cashew, Breadfruit, Plantain, Coconut etc


At Ogbujilekwe Egbengwu Nimo, there is a bitter leaf hub, So many women of Egbengwu Nimo and some other Nationals are washing bitter leaf in the Shallow river there to the extent that they produce enough for export to foreign Countries who use it to Manufacture or produce beer.


Bitter leaf plants,are mostly grown in Oraukwu, but the processing and the finished products are carried out on Egbengwu Nimo side of the river.


This bitter leaf mini Processing Cottage industry provides income to some of our Citizens Egbengwu Oversea is really blessed with indigenes Who use their strength,hard work and resourcefulness for Agricultural activities